One of biggest issues facing LTER sites and their information management systems (IMS) is how to store, manage and deliver large high-resolution data in a sustainable manner. In this workgroup, participants will share ideas and experiences with regards to questions like: 1) What types of ‘high-resolution’ data are the group managing to date or planning to manage in the future (LIDAR, GIS, Acoustic), 2) how do folks know what large data are going to be submitted into the IMS at any given time (project form submission, data size estimations), 3) what steps have been taken for planning for future storage increases (budgets, system configurations, cloud storage), and 4) how are these data being made accessible to researchers within the local LTER site and to the broader community (PASTA, large flash drives, external hard drives).
The primary goal of this session is to explore the ‘challenges’ of large data as listed above and to produce a reference document describing the session’s discussion results. It is our intent that the document be made available to the LTER community via the LTER Information Management Committee webpage and emailed directly to the workgroup participants.