The LTER network has received funding for a synthesis working group to explore synergies between the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network. Through a series of workshops, we will address four topics; 1) using LTER data and insights to provide landscape and regional scale ecological context for NEON sites, 2) using NEON data to inform the five core areas of LTER research, 3) use LTER experience and insight to develop long-term conceptual models for NEON sites and 4) combine data and models from LTER and NEON sites to improve predictions of future ecological trajectories at regional to continental scales. The effort would be led by Peter Groffman, current chair of the LTER Science Council along with co-Chair Julia Jones. This workshop at the LTER All Scientists Meeting is designed to begin to identify key topics and to plan future workshops. Subsequent workshops would explore the four topics in further detail and produce a series of papers as well as protocols, conceptual models and prediction platforms that should facilitate productive synergies between LTER and NEON in the coming decades.