The main aim of this “brain-storming” working group is to develop ideas for future books in the Schoolyard LTER book series. All members of the LTER community are encouraged to attend the session and bring along ideas for possible children’s books based loosely around the scientific research at LTER sites. We will begin with a short overview of the series: its aims, its current titles, and an introduction to the process of publication. There will be brief presentations by several of the existing book series authors, who will discuss how they came to be involved in the series and what their experiences have been like. Most of the session will be spent discussing ideas for the development of future titles for the series. Through hands-on storyboarding of these ideas, the working group will help to move these ideas into realistic proposals for future publications. We hope to conclude the working group with a number of ideas for new titles, which will be pursued in coming years as a central component of the LTER Network’s outreach efforts.