A three-pronged approach to understanding how fire and mammalian herbivory interact to influence post-fire forest growth and composition in interior Alaska
Poster Number: 9 Presenter/Primary Author: Alexandra Conway In the western North American boreal forest, recent changes in fire severity might result in shifts from coniferous to deciduous dominated forests.
Belowground Decomposition Rate Thresholds and Their Relationship to Plant Community State Change Along a Virginia Barrier Island Dune/Swale Transect
Poster Number: 5 Presenter/Primary Author: Matt Smith Barrier islands off the eastern shore of Virginia exhibit distinct habitats that abruptly transition between periodically brackish/freshwater marshes, wooded swales, and sparsely vegetated dunes.
Response of Forest Insects and their Natural Enemies to Simulated Ice Storm Damage in Northern Hardwood Forests
Poster Number: 3 Presenter/Primary Author: Wendy Leuenberger Large-scale disturbances such as ice storms are likely to increase in frequency and intensity as climate changes.