Colorado mountains
From Long-Term Data to Understanding: Toward a Predictive Ecology
2015 LTER ASM Estes Park, CO - August 30 - September 2, 2015

Long-term changes in NPP across ecosystems (Monday)

Underlying seasonal shifts determine the effect of long-term nutrient addition on arctic tundra arthropod communities

Poster Number:  246 Presenter/Primary Author:  Ashley Asmus In many systems, fertilization (press nutrient addition) experiments have elucidated the ecological controls on plant production.

Constraining uncertainties in long-term particulate organic matter exports by headwater streams

Poster Number:  241 Presenter/Primary Author:  Francisco Guerrer... Headwaters are considered important components of the global carbon cycle.

Effects of long term precipitation and nitrogen manipulation on root growth in a semi-arid grassland

Poster Number:  240 Presenter/Primary Author:  Josh Haussler Arid lands comprise approximately 40% of the Earth's land surface, and contribute 30-35% of terrestrial net primary productivity.

Climatological controls on net primary productivity in a southern Appalachian forest

Poster Number:  239 Presenter/Primary Author:  Chris Oishi Long-term climatological records from the Coweeta LTER station have shown two trends that are expected to have important influences on future net primary productivity (NPP): (1) temperature has inc

Carbon Export associated with a Frontal Region in the California Current System

Poster Number:  224 Presenter/Primary Author:  Mike Stukel Frontal regions are common in the California Current Ecoystem (CCE) and are often sites of increased upwelling, downwelling, and biological production.  Therefore, they likely play an importan