Colorado mountains
From Long-Term Data to Understanding: Toward a Predictive Ecology
2015 LTER ASM Estes Park, CO - August 30 - September 2, 2015

New methods in traditional and non-traditional stable isotope applications for long term ecological research: molecular level characterizations.

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Recent developments in stable isotope technologies on the traditional (C,N,H,O,S) and non-traditional (e.g. Mg, Mo, Fe, etc) elements now allow for the determination of isotope compositions on individual molecular components. This working group will be highlighting the new techniques and technologies, as well as the novel applications including continuous flow stable isotope analysis. Applications to be discussed include, but are not limited to: analysis of nanomols of fatty acids and amino acids for deciphering food webs using essential compounds; tracking components of the carbon and nitrogen cycles; rapid analysis of microliter quantities of water for interpreting the hydrologic cycle; tracing global change and organic matter preservation through authentic compound determination or alteration.  Participants are invited to bring a slide showing their own applications. 

Stephen Macko
Number of 2 hour sessions requested: 
Equipment requested: 
We will need a black/white board/ flip poster board, a projector for power point presentations from a PC, and a projector
Additional Comments: 
Gwyneth Gordon of ASU will do non-traditional isotopes.Enrichment studies in isotopes will also be addressed .
Room Assignment: 
Longs Peak Granite Pass – (Capacity 80)